Most of us realize that exercise has many benefits, but few understand the best way to exercise. See if you can identify which is a tip and which is a myth:

1. No pain, no gain.

MYTH! There is no relationship between how much you hurt during or after exercise and the ultimate benefit you receive. For most people, exercising moderately provides the desired healthy changes without unnecessary risk.

2. Weight training makes women bulky.

MYTH! It takes a program of significantly overloading muscles to dramatically increase bulk, and women can safely use weights to increase strength, tone muscle and increase lean muscle mass.

3. Exercise is good for seniors.

TIP! The weakness, loss of balance and osteoporosis that often accompany old age are actually improved by regular exercise. Exercise also boosts memory, helps to prevent dementia, and is a great social activity, too!

4. Exercise reduces stress.

TIP! Studies show that regular exercise, as little as thirty minutes three times each week, reduces stress chemicals in the brain and bloodstream.

5. It’s too late for me.

MYTH! No matter what your physical and mental condition, there are suitable and beneficial exercises that match up to your current status. Even sick and disabled people can improve their fitness and wellness with an appropriate program of exercise.

Exercise is one of the hidden assets each of us could cash in on. You don’t need to join a gym or invest in equipment – walking, dancing, yoga, t’ai chi or light aerobics can all be done in your home with a little guidance or instruction, which, if necessary, is usually available at little or no charge on the internet. Check it out, and get into exercise – it will reward you many times over!