What causes illness? What causes disease?  Are some people just born to be sick while other people spend their entire lives being healthy? I don’t think so. 

“Viruses and bacteria are everywhere we go and on everything we touch, but they cannot affect us unless we are susceptible.”

Understanding the cause of illness allows us to reach and maintain an optimal state of health. Think of it this way … Germs are seeds and our bodies are the soil. Many people mistakenly believe the cause of disease is from the seed, or the germ. However, if the ‘germ theory of disease’ were correct, there would be no one living to believe it. There are agents of disease surrounding us all of the time. Viruses and bacteria are everywhere we go and on everything we touch, but they cannot affect us unless we are susceptible. They can only affect us if our immune system is not strong enough to fight it off and adapt to the environment. 

As long as our body, or the soil, is attuned to the natural flow of life and therefore having a strong resistance, optimal health is the only thing that can occur.

We see this truth in the words of Claude Bernard, “Illnesses hover constantly above us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them.” 

Chiropractic is a science that uses the natural, innate power of the body to achieve and maintain optimal health.  When our body is in line with the natural flow of life, we express it at our fullest potential.  When interferences occur, our health becomes hindered and our body is more susceptible to disease. 

“When our body is in line with the natural flow of life, we express it at our fullest potential. ”

Vertebral subluxations are a common interference in the nerve system.  Vertebral subluxations impair normal nerve flow, thus weakening the body’s immune system, making us susceptible to disease.  Chiropractors are doctors who are specifically trained to analyze the spine and correct vertebral subluxations, restoring and maintaining the true health we deserve to enjoy.  Germs are a part of the disease process; however, they are not the direct cause of disease.  It is the body’s susceptibility to germs that is the cause of disease.

We are all born with the natural, innate ability to be healthy and fight disease.  We need to keep our “soil” healthy and strong with regular chiropractic care to increase the body’s ability to ward off disease.


The chiropractic model of health and wellness focuses on YOU and is centered on the philosophy that the human body, being knit together in a wonderful way, will heal itself given the right opportunity and circumstances.  The passion for the Doctor of Chiropractic is to promote the healing process by locating and removing any interference or blockage in the nerve system, which may be interfering with your ability to express your maximum health potential.

 Before we move ahead, let us first thank you for continuing to be a wonderful patient and friend and for choosing to live the “Chiropractic Lifestyle.”  I commend you for taking charge of your health and the health of those you love!