Every dream starts with a burning desire: a passion to change something, to make a difference. ”

“You are never given a wish without the power to make it come true.  You may have to work for it, however.”
-Richard Bach

“It’s OK to dream big if you are willing to take enough action to make it happen.”
-Lollie Mc Lain 

What is your BIG dream?  Most of us have dreams but are not willing to do what it takes to make them become reality.  If you are willing to work hard, here are some tips to help make your dreams come true.

Desire … Every dream starts with a burning desire: a passion to change something, to make a difference.

Decision … Add to desire the decision that failure is not an option.

Determination … You will always encounter obstacles on the way to your dreams.  Determination keeps you moving forward in spite of setbacks, discouragement and all kinds of difficulties.

Responsibility … This means the ability to respond.  It also means that you are the one in charge of making it happen.  There is no room for “It’s not my fault” or “I tried.”

Resources … Use the resources around you.  Ask for advice.  Ask for help.  There are people in your life who have either done what you are doing or who are in the middle of doing it.  Ask them how they did it.  Use your resources.

Enthusiasm … The people who are living their dreams are usually lots of fun to be around.  One reason is because they bring such passion and enthusiasm to what they do.  Work becomes fun.  The really wonderful side effect is that enthusiasm gives you a great deal of energy.

Energy … An absolutely necessary ingredient to living out your dreams is lots of energy.  Often the only difference between those who live their dreams and those who don’t is that “dream catchers” keep on going while “dream droppers” get tired and quit.

Attitude … You must have the attitude that nothing will stop you no matter what.  You’ve got to live the Japanese proverb: “Fall down eight times, get up nine.”

Action … You can have all the above ingredients in full and still not get anywhere.  You have to do something about your dreams every day.  You have to take action, sometimes a little bit each day, sometimes a lot.

Momentum … If you put the above nine tips into action, you will build a momentum that is virtually unstoppable.  Momentum carries you through the low and weary times, and makes the obstacles that were once huge boulders, mere pebbles in your path.

There Are Few Things In Life As Satisfying As Living Out Your Dreams … Get Started On Yours!