Your Body And Your Automobile
What do our body and our automobile have in common? Our body and our car have very complex operating systems that we take for granted and infrequently think about unless something goes wrong. Years ago, you may have learned to drive a car with a manual gearshift, which was located either in the steering column […]
Guideposts on the Way to Your Dreams!
“Every dream starts with a burning desire: a passion to change something, to make a difference. ” “You are never given a wish without the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.” -Richard Bach “It’s OK to dream big if you are willing to take enough action to […]
Stand Up STRAIGHT! MAY IS… Perfect Posture Month!
Stand Up STRAIGHT… Please Don’t SLOUCH… Your Posture is the Window to Your Health Posture is one of the most overlooked keys to best health and performance. Good posture not only improves fitness, thinking ability, emotional state and general vitality, it can actually help reverse the aging process, not just cosmetically, but functionally. It’s Time […]
Get Off The “Symptom See-Saw”
Do you notice the hum in the air? Maybe you can’t really hear it, but can you feel it? Can you feel the vibration? The “vibrations” around us are not mysterious at all; they are the result of life in motion. The only thing that is a constant in life is “change.” Change occurs faster […]
Disc Bulges
Life around my house is about to change. I am having some major renovations done to my old house and I have to move out of it for the work to be done. This, much to my chagrin, involves planning, packing, and moving heavy items. Ordinarily there would be no big deal about a move, […]
Digestive Health
In our Monday lunch staff meetings I usually make my best attempts to be inspirational or motivational but when we return from a seminar I always bring some tidbits home and share them with our staff so they can learn as we do about various topics. This past weekend we attended the Spring Conference of […]