About Fatherhood…
It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. – Pope John XXIII Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys. – Anonymous My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come […]
If You Want to Know About Health, Ask Mom
Mother’s Day is set aside each year to appreciate the oldest and perhaps most prevalent role in our culture, motherhood. Moms are called upon to raise children, run households, be a neverending source of entertainment and diversion for kids, and address issues that no one else seems to be able to handle. Moms contribute so […]
Think About It!
Getting healthy depends on what you focus on. This is more than just an interesting idea, it’s an important and valuable reality. Scientists tell us that the experience we have moment to moment and day to day throughout our lives depends on what we focus on. If that is true, it begs the question “What […]
Spring Cleaning Is For More Than Your Home
Right about this time of year, many families and households are emerging from their winter slumbers and lifting their faces to bask in the springtime sun. Whoever is the “neat freak” in the home makes some comment about “spring cleaning,” and the teenagers run for cover, knowing what that means – it’s that time of […]
Thanksgiving, A Time For Gratitude
Here are some easy action steps you can take to get into the Thanksgiving spirit. Have fun thinking of things you are thankful for. Accept people’s frailties, celebrate their assets. Pay for a co-worker’s lunch. Pick three people and write them thank you notes. Yell your lover’s (or dream lover’s) name out the window. […]
A “Crash Course” on LEADERSHIP
Some people mistakenly think that leaders are uniformed figureheads who are elected or chosen to represent a certain group or organization, but everyday leadership is demonstrated by parents, teachers, older siblings, clergy, friends – in fact, just about everyone finds themselves in a position of leadership from time to time. Here are the thoughts of […]