Spring Cleaning Is For More Than Your Home
Right about this time of year, many families and households are emerging from their winter slumbers and lifting their faces to bask in the springtime sun. Whoever is the “neat freak” in the home makes some comment about “spring cleaning,” and the teenagers run for cover, knowing what that means – it’s that time of […]
Who’s In Charge of Your Health
Who’s in charge of your health? Who makes the best decisions for you and your family? Is it a doctor or other health professional? Or is it becoming increasingly clear that only you can make the most important decisions about your own health? For many years, the doctor has been revered, looked up to as […]
Causes and Effects
Most of us realize that we live in a cause and effect world. If I touch a hot stove, my hand will burn. If I drive my car and use up all my gas without refilling the tank, I will coast to a stop. If I choose intelligent lifestyle habits and follow through on them, […]
The Question We All Have To Answer
Most of us believe that we have only two settings on our own personal Health-o-Meter – healthy, or sick. This over-simplification has been at the root of many health problems – feeling okay usually means that there are no apparent symptoms, but this is no guarantee of good health. Many of the most serious illnesses, […]
Choosing Your Wellness Team
In the old days, people went to their doctors only when they were sick, usually very sick, received some advice and/or treatment, and then went home to heal, following the doctor’s instructions the best they could. But in modern family health care, there is more to it. There are any number of health and wellness […]
Inside-Out or Outside-In?
Most of us have grown up with the idea of the germ theory dominating our thoughts about health – from colds, viruses, infections, and many other maladies, we’ve been trained to think that germs cause disease. But if this were true, then anyone who was exposed to those germs would get sick, cause and effect. […]