Stress Management

In my last column I dealt with nutrition and its role in the total health picture.  Once it is handled and the body is fuelled properly, other things need to be dealt with in order for your optimum health to be expressed.  The next facet of health that must be balanced in order to be […]

Spring Fever and the Benefits of Bee Pollen

In spite of the dips and spikes in our local temperatures, for a few moments this past weekend I thought it was spring.  The sun felt great on my skin, the Bradford pear trees popped open, and the grass looked a little bit greener.  I am without a doubt a warm weather lover, and the […]


Questions come at me in rapid-fire fashion all the time about chiropractic in general and some of them are asked more frequently than others.  One that has been coming quite a bit lately is, “Does it hurt to get adjusted?”   As with almost everything in life there is no clean, neatly packaged yes or no […]

Soda Troubles

When I was in college I was addicted to Diet Coke.  I mean really addicted.  When my roommates and I were moving to Hidden Cove Apartments one Summer we looked for two things when we chose the location of our specific apartment: the proximity of the swimming pool and the location of the nearest Coke […]

Sleeping Equipment

This week’s column will wrap up my thoughts on sleep.  We have examined the importance of getting the adequate amount of sleep, doing the right things to improve your quality of sleep, and setting the proper environment for restful sleep.  The next subject on this list is choosing the right equipment for the best sleep.  […]


Pain is for most people in the world absolutely no fun.  Pain medications work in the brain to shut off the signals from the body to the brain that something hurts, so as a general rule I don’t want to use them.  I want to know when something hurts so that I can do something […]