BACKPACK SAFETY Children’s spines need to be well taken care of during their formative years. This means that they should not be overloaded with heavy backpacks on a daily basis. A recent survey of orthopedic doctors reported that over half of them have seen children with back pain associated with overloaded backpacks in the past […]
Psoriatic Arthritis
If you were to ask just about anyone on the street what psoriasis is, almost everyone can give you some idea about it. It is not an uncommon disorder of the skin. What is very uncommon and sometimes goes undiagnosed, however, is an arthropathy (disease or pathology of the joints) called psoriatic arthritis. In keeping […]
Prostate Health
Not very long ago, one of my male patients came in and said, “Doc, how about giving me the magic adjustment for my prostate.” After I regained my composure and we laughed a lot, the real story came out. He had been having some prostate difficulties for some time and was considering surgical options but […]
One of the worst robbers of health in the universe is procrastination. Health in every aspect of life suffers because someday somehow never seems to arrive until too much water has passed under the proverbial bridge. This past two weeks have brought me people who are searching for chiropractic help after they have put off […]
Preacher Layfield
Today started out not unlike any other Monday in our office. We had a few weekend warriors to piece back together, our regularly scheduled appointments were coming in, and we were all laughing as usual to welcome in the week the right way. It always helps to laugh the week in – it gets the […]
Parathroid Fun
In the past few weeks the thyroid gland and its functions have been the topics for discussion in this column. A reader sent an e-mail after the last one and asked that I address the parathyroid gland and reasons that it might function improperly. I did some homework to address her specific concerns and decided […]