When was the last time you got a check-up to see how well your spine and nerve system are working? Many people don’t yet realize how important it is to keep your spine healthy – it protects the nerves, which carry information to and from the brain so your body parts can work properly, and that’s essential for good health.

How can you take better care of your spine? First, be aware of it, and avoid doing silly things that may injure or damage your spinal structure. Bend your knees when you lift something heavy, and don’t lift things that are too heavy. Sleep on your back or side, not on your stomach – sleeping face down causes an unnatural stress on your low back, and also tends to keep your head turned to one side all night, which causes an unnatural stress on your neck. These stresses may not hurt you at first, but they can accumulate and eventually cause problems.

It’s common sense to take good care of your spine, but most people don’t realize that it may take more than just avoiding injuries or stress. The normal wear and tear, just from sitting, carrying things, and standing or walking may require that you actively keep your spine in good alignment, whether you have pain and symptoms or not. Smart health consumers include spinal care in their health and wellness routine, including massage, yoga, exercise, and of course, chiropractic care.

If you or anyone in your family has not yet had a chiropractic check-up, it can be one of the most valuable and health-inspiring things to do. Problems with spinal misalignment can be insidious, not becoming symptomatic or painful until reaching a more advanced stage, and then creating more issues and a longer recovery time, with more pain and expense. It’s much more sensible to stay healthy than to let yourself get sick and then have to get well.

Those in the know, top athletes, entertainers, politicians and health professionals visit their chiropractor regularly, to get check-ups and to receive corrective care when necessary. It’s quick, painless, and can save you or someone you love needless suffering. Make a time for you and your entire family to get an exam, and let your chiropractor reassure you that everything  is fine – and if not, he or she can advise you on the best course of action to take good care of your spine.